Next webinar from the ISFSI Webinar Series: Prof. Irene Salinas

We have the pleasure of presenting Prof. Irene Salinas, from the Department of Biology from The University of New Mexico, USA, at our next webinar in the ISFSI Webinar Series. The webinar is entitled “Effective mentoring and what it means for the mentor and the mentee: effective communication strategies”. In this workshop, we will learn … Read more

New course open! Fish Immunology: molecular and evolutionary perspectives

Fish represent a huge biological community that plays a key role in the equilibrium of the planet’s aquatic systems. The aim of the course is to provide new knowledge on the functioning and evolution of the fish immune system, to highlight how the fish immune system tackles bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, and to explore … Read more

New IUIS e-course: Latest Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy, March 11-14, 2024

Join us for an immersive journey into the world of immunotherapy! 🚀 Our FREE intensive international spring course is back and better than ever! 🌟 📚 Designed for students, fellows, academics, and professionals, this course provides a great overview of cutting-edge advances in immunotherapy strategies. 🔬 We’ve brought together top experts from around the globe … Read more

Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science! 👩🏻‍🔬👩🏽‍🔬👩‍🔬🔬🧫🦠🧬🧪

The ISFSI is proud to host a wide range of female scientists, from well-experienced (veterans) to the earliest generations. Today we want to great, embrace and congratulate every woman and girl in science, especially our ISFSI female power, for the invaluable contributions of women to scientific progress. By championing gender equality and fostering an environment … Read more

Welcome to Our First Sustaining Member: Dr. Marco Rozas

The International Society of Fish and Shellfish Immunology is delighted to announce the establishment of our latest partnership with Dr. Marco Rozas, CEO of Pathovet. His company, based in Chile, is a biocompany focused on the development, validation, and commercialization of specific biomarkers for the detection, quantification, and control of pathogenic diseases in aquaculture. The … Read more

First webinar from the ISFSI Webinar Series: Prof. Edan Foley

Our President, Prof. Jorge Galindo-Villegas, had the pleasure of presenting Prof. Edan Foley, from the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology from University of Alberta, Canada, at our first webinar in the ISFSI Webinar Series. The webinar was entitled “Single-Cell Resolution of the Impacts of Vibrio cholerae on the Zebrafish Intestinal Epithelium”. The webinar was … Read more

4th International Symposium on “The Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases

The International Center for Scientific Development of Shrimp Aquaculture at NCKU, Taiwan, announced the upcoming 4th International Symposium on “The Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases,” scheduled for November 27, 2023. It is organized as a hybrid event to welcome more participants interested in this field. The symposium aims to provide an excellent opportunity for interaction and knowledge sharing … Read more

Immunology/Pathology Session at the XII Firma 2023 Congress chaired by our president, Dr. Jorge Galindo-Villegas

Firma (Ibero-American Forum on Marine Resources and Aquaculture) hosts its XII Conference, whose central theme is the sustainability of aquatic resources and aquaculture within the framework of the blue economy. The event will take place between November 27 and December 1.The president of the ISFSI, Dr. Jorge Galindo-Villegas, will chair Session number 8: Immunology/Pathology on … Read more

Winners of 5 free online-tickets for the Salmon Immunology Seminar – Chile

Members of our society can participate for attractive discounts, free passes to attend seminars or workshops, and prizes offered by organizers of events that the society promotes.This time, 5 free passes to attend online the “Salmon Immunology Seminar” organized by Pathovet, Chile were offered among our members on a first-come, first-served basis.Here are the lucky … Read more

2nd Salmon Immunology Seminar

The 2nd Salmon Immunology Seminar will be held at Teatro del Lago, Frutillar, Chile, on November 15th, with the opening remarks from Dr. Jorge Galindo-Villegas, President of the ISFSI.It will focus on salmonid immunology and immunopathology. Researchers will discuss the importance of the interaction between fish and different pathogens, nutrition, microbiome, role of vaccines and … Read more